*No content in violation of neocities terms and services
*No hate speech, promotion of violence, drugs, harmful sexual practices or exploitation
*No inclusion of sensitive personal information, yours or others
*No linking to malicious or harmful content
Requests that violate will not be implemented and further submissions may be ignored or blacklisted
*Requests that read like conspiracy theories or spam may be ignored
*Troll or memey request may be ignored, nothing against it just ain't the place for it
*Requests can't be edited or removed after they're implemented, the exception would be linked content that is expired or neocities profiles on the cork board
*Any request can be denied implementation on the site. Reasons ranging from either violation of rules, not suited for sfw standard, interest of saving site space or work time, not on topic or simply doesn't fit the sites environment
*Requests are mainly implemented on Saturdays/Form will be close
*Will accept non-english requests or media, however may take longer to review
*Requests can only be text, links will not be accepted or directly reviewed. Exception being neocities sites that include the .neocities domain, custom domains require a path
Sharing a link with a path
-If you wish to share content via a link the best bet is to share a path
example: youtube.com [channel name] (video title) (date of video release)
ex: archive.org [content name] [content author] [identifier] (any additional information)
ex: archive.org The secrets & mysteries of Hawaii, Uploaded By Pila of Hawaii, 1945 Identifier: secretsmysteries00pila, 1995
When using a path you can add full url link so we can reference and make sure the path led to the correct address. Overly obscure links or link containing just numbers may be denied even with a path
May only add links to the Mini Library and Cork Board, these links are reviewed. Any other section links (TV/Video Games) on the site were added by the owner
The Cork Board:
*General topic board
*Can add a mini profile for your neocities website
Dream Diary:
*Topics include dreams, recalling your day, mild vents, general topics
Wishing Candle:
*Wishing and dreams
TV and Video Games:
*Allows request of R rated content, however anything that's just straight porn may be ignored
*We recommend including as much information as you can about your entry, like year. Helps us find the correct title
Mini Library:
*Accepts books, music, audio, videos, archives, sites etc
*Recommend including as much information as you can about your entry, like year. Helps us find the correct title
*The laptop section may add links to game portals or resources for websites, like html css resources or decorative resources